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Forum Posts
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Sep 12, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Esteemed colleagues,
Post your weekend long run plans in the comments! As always include where/when you'll meet, anticipated distance, pace, and any workouts planned en route.
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Sep 05, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Time to post your long run plans mateys!
Include deets about where/when you'll meet, anticipated distance and pace, and any workouts en route. Happy running!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Aug 29, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Post your weekend long run plans in the comments, with the usual info about where/when you'll meet, distance to be run, and anticipated pace/workouts!
Remember to take it easy if you're racing the 20k on Monday!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Aug 22, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Post your weekend long run plans in the comments! Include deets on where/when to meet, distance, route, pace, and any workouts planned on the way. Happy running!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Aug 15, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Posteth thine long runs in the comments, comrades! Remember, thou shouldst endeavour to includeth info about pace, distance, meeting times, etc.
Happy running!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Aug 08, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Pals! Post your weekend long run plans in the comments!
Remember to include deets about where/when you're meeting, anticipated distance/route, and anticipated pace/any workouts en route.
Miss you all, look forward to running with ya again next week!
In the meantime congrats Cole 🦅🦅, lmao Ingebritsen 🇳🇴🫠 and GO KEELYYYYY 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Aug 01, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Post your weekend long run plans in the comments! Remember to include deets about meeting time/place, distance, anticipated pace, and any workouts planned en route.
Have at it!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jul 25, 2024
In Long Run Planning
It's that time of the week again--post yer weekend long run plans in the comments! Remember to include the following deets:
-where/when you'll meet
-distance you're running
-anticipated pace/any workouts en route
Happy running!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jul 18, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Post your weekend long run plans in the comments, comrades! Remember to include deets on where/when you'll meet, distance you're planning to run for, expected pace/workouts en route.
Happy running!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jul 11, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Post your weekend long run plans in the comments! Remember to include deets about planned distance, pace (including any workouts en route) and where/when to meet.
Happy running!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jul 06, 2024
In Racing
The 2024 NHRR summer track meet is almost upon us! Please show up at 5pm at Wilbur Cross track for warm up and strides. The track meet will then proceed roughly as follows
5:15pm -- equalizer mile
Athlete starts
1. Susanne
2. Nicole (+:30)
3. Ben & Pia (+:45)
4. Katie (+ 1:00)
5. Cara (+1:20)
6. Stef (+1:25)
7. Josie (+1:30)
8. Omar (+1:35)
9. Tiger (+2:00)
10. Tim (+2:05)
5:30pm -- 4 x 400
4 x 400 teams (feel free to arrange your order however you like!)
Tim, Andie, Katherine, Susanne
Tiger, Josie, Stef, Nicole
Harry, Omar, Cara, Allie
Lizzie, Kidan, Katie, Flor
5:45pm -- awards
6pm -- NHRR barbecue
If anyone is reading this and wishing they were running, let me know and I'll try to include you in either event. No promises for the 4 x 400 at this stage but I'll do my best!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jul 04, 2024
In Long Run Planning
It's that time of the week! Post your weekend long run plans in the comments. Remember to include deets about time and place, pace/workouts, and route (if you know in advance)!
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jul 03, 2024
In Racing
We are now 3 days out from our NHRR summer track meet, which will take place this Saturday, 07/06, 5pm, at Wilbur Cross track. Since my last post, plans have coalesced around holding an "equalizer mile" event, so that we can all run with/against one another, rather than in separate timed heats. In an equalizer mile, runners with the slowest seed times will start first, while runners with faster times are made to wait the relevant interval (between earlier seeds and their own) before they are allowed to go. For example, in a race between three runners seeded at 7 mins, 6 mins, and 4:30, the 7 minute miler would set off first, then a minute later the 6 minute miler would start, and finally, after another interval of 1:30, the 4:30 runner would begin. If seeded correctly, the runners should all have caught up to each other by the very final stretch, making for a dramatic finish! If this sounds like fun to you, please remember to add your name and seed time to this Google form! I'll be managing the starts, so I'll need everyone's times to let you each know when to set off on the day.
A call also for more people to sign up for the 4x400! We don't have enough yet for two teams, which we need at a minimum to make it a race! Everyone is welcome--teams will be mixed ability and co-ed, and there is Elena's ice cream in the cards for the winning team 🤑🤑
See ya there!
(Racing Team Captain, for the next three days anyway..)
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jun 27, 2024
In Racing
Mark your calendars--next Saturday, July 6th, at 5pm, we will be holding an informal NHRR track meet at Wilbur Cross! For those of you who attended last year, the format will be fairly similar. We'll meet at the track to run a few heats of some middle-distance track events (mile and/or 800, paced by fellow club members), cheering each other on as we go. We'll then shift into friendly competition mode for a little 4x400 race 😈 before heading over to College Woods for a club barbecue. Please come along to run/cheer/pace/time/eat hot dogs!
For those interested in running:
To help us get a sense of how to organize heats, it would be really helpful if you could fill in this Google form, indicating which event you'd like to time-trial, and roughly what time you'll be shooting for. Hopefully (like last year) we'll be able to arrange people into clusters so you can work together to hit your goal times. I'm also looking for some designated pacers to lead each heat, so let me know if you're interested in that (and roughly what times you could reliably pace!)
Please also indicate whether you'd like to be included in a 4 x 400 team! Teams will be mixed ability and co-ed, and everyone is welcome, regardless of pace. The 4 x 400 was very fun and quite dramatic last year, so do consider signing up, even if it's not something you'd normally run! There will be a set of $10 gift cards on the line for the winning team🍦
Can't wait to run with you soon!
(Racing Team Captain)
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
Jun 11, 2024
In Racing
Our 5th CT circuit race is nearly upon us--Branford Road Race, a 5 mile course in scenic Branford, this coming Sunday (June 16th). If you haven't yet done so, please consider signing up! Register here:
A particular plea for more women to join our ranks--at the moment we don't have a full team, and it would be a massive shame not to be able to score at this event. This happened to our women recently at the Spring St Mile, where we would have placed second if we had just one extra scorer. So please do come along if you're around--you are needed!
I can also now reveal our Fairfield HM team results from earlier this month: both our men's and women's open teams placed second! As a reminder, team results are scored by adding together the times from the first five runners over the finish line (master's teams are scored via the top three, though we didn't have a full master's team at Fairfield). Our men collectively ran 6:42:11, behind Manchester RC who ran 6:13:20, and ahead of Mohegan Striders, who ran 7:04:13. Our women meanwhile ran 7:31:05, not too far behind Manchester (7:20:05), and well ahead of Soundrunner (8:31:44). This was a solid result for a race in hot conditions, where many of the team were running a tempo effort. BUT we've let our nemesis Manchester get one up on us one too many times, and we are now OVERdue a comeback! Will Branford be our chance at redemption? The more of you lot that show up, the more likely we are to CRUSH 😎😈
That's all for now!
(Racing Team Captain)
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
May 30, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Welcome to the weekly long running planning thread!
If you have long run plans for this week, drop a comment! Please include the following details:
• meeting place
• meeting time
• anticipated pace / workouts
• anticipated route
(Alternatively, come run your long run at the Fairfield Half Marathon on Sunday!:
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
May 28, 2024
In Racing
I'm writing (a little belatedly...) with the team results for the Spring Street Mile on May 18th! On a VERY wet and humid day (it was pouring throughout both races) our runners put together some strong performances, including (I believe) our first ever WIN for our esteemed masters' women's team! As a reminder, team results are scored by adding together the times for the first five runners over the line in the open races, and the top three runners in the master's category. Our master's women collectively ran 17:43, nipping just ahead of Manchester, who ran 17:55. Our men's open team also excelled, placing second overall with some very clutch last-minute individual performances when it seemed like we weren't going to have enough runners to even score! Our five men collectively ran 22:46, a ~minute behind Manchester (22:43) and ~20seconds ahead of Mohegan Striders (23:08). Very unfortunately, our women's open team did not have enough racers to score at Spring Street, though our open women did individually perform very well, including some exciting new downhill mile PRs!
Next up on the circuit is the Fairfield Half Marathon, which will be held this upcoming this weekend! The race will be on Sunday, June 2nd, starting at 8am, and follows a beautiful and (mostly) flat course through Fairfield, much of it on the beachfront. If you haven't yet registered, please do so ASAP!
Drop a comment if you'll be there!
In order to score for us on the CT circuit, you need to be a member of USATF (not just a club member). If you're not sure whether you're registered, please reach out to me and Josie, who can check on your behalf. If you run for us regularly and would like to be on the racing team officially, feel free to reach out to me and I'll walk you through the process of becoming a USATF member. You can reach me at
(Racing Team Captain)
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
May 23, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Welcome to the weekly long running planning thread!
If you have long run plans for this week, please drop a comment! Include the following details:
• meeting place
• meeting time
• anticipated pace / workouts
• anticipated route
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
May 17, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Welcome to the weekly long running planning thread!
If you have long run plans for this week, please drop a comment! Please include the following details:
• meeting place
• meeting time
• anticipated pace / workouts
• anticipated route
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
May 09, 2024
In Long Run Planning
Welcome to the weekly long running planning thread!
In an effort to make our various long run plans more visible, and easier to find for other club members, the NHRR board have decided to have one central recurring forum post where people comment their plans, rather than waiting on separate posts for different runs (which don't always end up getting shared, or appear at predictable times). Feel free to continue using the Whatsapp group chat for back and forths about the wheres and whens, but once your plans have solidified, we encourage you to add them to this post--there'll be a new one every week, posted on Thursday morning.
If you have long run plans for this week, please drop a comment! Please include the following details:
• meeting place
• meeting time
• anticipated pace / workouts
• anticipated route
Lizzie Mundell-Perkins
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